Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Old (Late) New Year's Resolutions

Can't believe 2009 is already here. Where did 2008 go? I don't know about y'all; but personally, I can't wait for the year 2010. The number just rolls off your tongue so easily and it's an even number. Something about odd numbers have always bugged me. Even so, I plan to make 2009 a great one!

My New Year's Resolutions (now, three weeks old) are being partially fulfilled. I had planned to cook at home more: Check! Last week I made several dishes: a big old pot of vegetable/ham soup, fettuccine Alfredo and chicken and pastry. Each dish made enough for two meals, so between dinner and lunch, everyone got plenty. Everyone being me, Russell and Katie. She is living here now (after graduating LSU, Master's Degree in Flute Performance); but seriously considering nursing school as the job market is so slow for the arts now. She has a temp job at a bank and likes that a lot. Boy, she can budget her money 100 x better than me!

Another New Year's Resolution was to get organized. Check! I moved most of my clothes into our walk in closet and folded them neatly on that California Closet type system. I bought clear shoe boxes and set that up, clearing out all the old mismatched cardboard boxes. The closet looks so much better! Here's a shout out to Kim, my dear neighbor and friend who is ultra organized and never met a house she couldn't revamp, revise and redecorate. You're awesome and I appreciate your help!

Getting fit was another NYR. Check! I've been crazy/determined to go to Gold's Gym and attend my Fit Over Fifty class 3 x a week. We have a ball in there and it never seems like work. That's partly because of Clarissa and Ellen (great instructors) but also the fabulous music--every genre imaginable; and also the friendships I've made. We even had a Christmas luncheon. Check out my website to see how wild and crazy that was, on a recent column I published.

And finally, on a business note, my NYR is to circulate and network more--to get my books in more stores, do more talks and signings and promote myself. Check! In fact, I found a wonderful agent in Atlanta who is working with me to that end and I know big things are ahead.

I just celebrated 10 years (and going strong) of writing for Georgetown Times (S.C.'s oldest newspaper); and continue to write regularly for Sasee Magazine in Myrtle Beach and Columbia County Magazine near Augusta. I'm beginning the process of editing columns for my next book and finalizing the title. Thanks to all who entered my contest.

Oh and my hobby of gardening is proving to be the best winter ever for the plants I moved indoors. I have about 24 blossoms on my lime plant and the house smells heavenly! A natural perfume. But those pesky mealybugs just don't want to go away--even with organic deterrent. Argh! My Meyer lemon isn't quite as prolific but it's getting there. New leaves emerge everyday. I plan to take a full day soon and repot the bromelaids (one has 5 babies), the jelly bean plant and my huge Christmas cactus, plus the Hoya I bought at the Grace United Methodist plant sale. We had snow this past week (quite rare and quite unwanted by me); but I hope soon to start digging in the dirt and plant my new hyacinth vine, kalanchoe and cardinal plant I also bought at the plant sale. Well, that's it for now. More to tell, but I'll save it for the next time.

Happy New Year, y'all. I hope your holidays were happy, healthy and full of humor!
