Monday, April 26, 2010

New web site, new events, new vacation!

First of all, I am thrilled to announce my new web site (same name). Chances are you've seen it if you're reading this blog. Mike Womble of Horizon Sites did an awesome job. Thanks, also, to Ron Osborne for the super-duper job he did for many years. But with a move 3 years ago to Wilmington, N.C., it made sense to go local.

Second, lots of great events are upcoming. I hope to see lots of friends, family and fans at The Best of Our State put on by "Our State" Magazine on July 3rd (Sat.). Check out my web site or for info. I'll be joining a great cast of entertainers in Pinehurst, N.C. and know that it will be a memorable experience! I've got some surprises up my sleeve (and even a new pair of shoes, my favorite accessory), so 'Be There or Be Square!'

Third, I'm overdue for a vacation. So I plan to chillax in a couple of weeks weeks on a 5 day cruise to Bermuda with hub-Russ and my sister, Nancy and her husband, Keith. We are celebrating our 30th anniversary! Hooray! As always, I'll have my eyes open and ears pealed for any unusual adventures. I usually encounter a dozen or so a week, so I'm sure this will be no different. Did I hear an "Amen, and stay away from the Mopeds!"?

One last thing: Good news! Katie, daughter #2, was accepted into the nursing program at Cape Fear Community College. Thanks for all of your prayers and good wishes. We are especially glad to know that Katie will be able to be our personal nurse in our old age (which is sort of like, ahm, nearly here). It's no coincidence that we bought a house 1 mile from the finest nursing home in town (assisted living) so we won't have to move our stuff (his golf clubs and my high heels) very far.

Oh yeah! Today is daughter #1, Kelly's, birthday. I sent her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY e-mail to her school in Raleigh where she teaches kindergarten. This is a milestone birthday for her, but I'm not going to say which one. I'm feeling old enough as it is. Not really!

Talk soon,
Arthur Ann (my Dad's nickname for me)

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